Anglo American are people who are English-Speaking inhabitants of Anglo-America
The country's staple in the South before the Great Migration was Cotton. The agriculture in the south was always driven by large-scale plantation to exportation. And the cultures more cultivated were Cotton, tobacco, and sugar.
Observe current cultures, such as the city you live in, if you live in a city, or Toronto, New York, any city really. It is approximately the same to early cultures. Thus, the creation of cities required a much more complex, authoritative, and larger government to sustain them. Cities are a problem and should not exist -- the government is basically a system to help prolong the inevitable death of a city. I am not meaning to be negative, or pessimistic, but it is quiet true.
Happy Studying!
Jane was a pioneer settlement social worker, public philosopher, sociologist, author, and leader in women's suffrage and world peace.
I am sorry but this is all the information I know of the top of my head I hope it helps