In “Birth of a National Park,” superintendents played two important roles in the early history of Yellowstone park. Identify the two roles that superintendents played in the early history of Yellowstone park.
A. Establishing roads and park facilities
B. Attempting to protect Yellowstone park
C. Hiring army troops to help maintain the park
D. Learning from the success of other national parks
E. Persuading congress to give Yellowstone more funds
The correct answers are A, & B.
A) Philetus W. Norris was appointed the second superintendent, and the following year, Congress authorized the protection, preservation, and improvement of the Park.”
Norris constructed roads, built a park headquarters at Mammoth Hot Springs, hired the first “gamekeeper,” and campaigned against hunters and vandals. Much of the primitive road system he laid out remains as the Grand Loop Road.
B) Norris in 1882 was removed from office after a series of political maneuvering. He was succeeded by three ineffectual superintendents who could not protect the park. Even when ten assistant superintendents were authorized to act as police, they failed to stop the destruction of wildlife. Poachers, squatters, woodcutters, and vandals ravaged Yellowstone.
So even though he wanted to, he could not protect yellow stone park.