O H20 and CH4, but not O2
Compounds consist of multiple elements. O2 is just two oxygen atoms, meaning two atoms from the same element.
Policy-makers have two broad types of instruments available for changing consumption and production habits in society. They can use traditional regulatory approaches (sometimes referred to as command-and-control approaches) that set specific standards across polluters, or they can use economic incentive or market-based policies that rely on market forces to correct for producer and consumer behavior. Incentives are extensively discussed in several EPA reports
Two basic types of traditional regulatory approaches exist. The first, a technology or design standard, mandates specific control technologies or production processes that polluters must use to meet an emissions standard. The second, a performance-based standard, also requires that polluters meet an emissions standard, but allows the polluters to choose any available method to meet that standard. Performance-based standards that are technology-based, for example, do not specify a particular technology, but rather consider what available and affordable technologies can achieve when establishing a limit on emissions. At times, EPA may completely ban or phase out the use or production of a particular product or pollutant, as it has done with chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and certain pesticides. Regulations can be uniform or can vary according to size of the polluting entity, production processes, or similar factors. Regulations are often tailored in this manner so that similar regulated entities are treated equally. MARK AS BRAINLIEST IF IT HELPS
gene flow or migration between two populations will help maintain similarities between the species, therefore preventing (or slowing down) the process of speciation. and when the environment changes rapidly, this can cause an overall decrease in population size because of a failure to adapt adequately to environmental changes. i hope this helped <3
Arthritis is a joint disorder in
which there is inflammation of one or more joints. Arthritis is frequently accompanied by joint
pain. There are many types of arthritis and over 100 have been identified. The causes
of arthritis include injury, metabolic abnormalities, hereditary factors,
effect of infections, and a misdirected immune system. Arthritis is mostly
common among women and occurs as people get older. Severe arthritis can result
in chronic pain, inability to do daily activities and can cause difficulty in walking.