Among the bills vetoed by Tyler was a measure to re-establish a national bank. In response to these vetoes, most of Tyler's cabinet resigned, and Whig congressmen expelled Tyler from the party. A resolution calling for his impeachment was introduced in the House, though it was later defeated.
The United States' policy of containment wasn't just military, it was ideological. Back then, we pointed out the differences between Soviet Communism and Communism around the world to weaken the power of its rhetoric, and additionally we appeared to be more successful and had a better standard of living than communists. Today, we can point out the difference between Islamic terrorism and moderate Islam, to degrade support for Islamic terrorism and make it defeat itself by containing enabling states (as Islamic terrorism is supported by enabling states) perhaps via economic incentives,and stopping our support of dictatorships, winning over those in danger of becoming Islamic terrorists. We also built up a system of allies with our containment policy regarding the Soviet Union, which helped isolate the Soviet Union. We can build up support among allies to support us in isolating states that are enablers of Islamic terrorism as well.
Agriculture, revolts, and trade.
Aksum's agriculture began to collapse because of the cutting down of trees and irregular rainfall which eroded the soil. Revolts were also taking place, especially from the North.