Travis’ letter had an immense and immediate effect. Responding to the letter, 32 men arrived from Gonzales on March 1, 1836. Word of his letter spread quickly, first to New Orleans then onward to Boston and New York City. Yet with the Alamo located hundreds of miles from the U.S. border and a month from Washington, D.C., distance and terrain prevented most volunteers from arriving before the Alamo fell on March 6.
A fan of dramatic writing, Travis understood the power of words. He addressed his letter to “All Americans in the world” specifically to inflame their patriotic passions and rally them to his cause and that of Texas. In so doing, he transformed the Texas Revolution into an American fight for liberty against tyranny.
In Texas, many of the volunteers stirred by Travis’ letter formed the core of the army Sam Houston led to victory over Santa Anna on April 21, 1836. With his defeat, the Republic of Texas was born and a chain of events began that led to the Mexican War a decade later. U.S. victory in that war brought the American Southwest into the nation. Consequently, Travis’ letter shaped the destiny of America and the world.
A War Hawk is a term generally applied to those members of the House of Representatives who, in the face of a situation of tension or dispute, especially in foreign policy, tend to choose a more aggressive rhetoric or a military solution.