Answer:In the late 1870's, the southern Republican party vanished with the end of reconstruction, and southern state governments effectively nullified both the the 14th Amendment (passed in 1868, it guaranteed citizenship and all it's privileges to African Americans)and the 15th Amendment,stripping blacks in the south.
:"From 1628 to 1642, French sailors captured slaves on foreign slave ships and brought them into the French colonies. "French settlers also bought slaves from foreign slave ships," Frederic Regent, a historian at Paris' Sorbonne, told Enjeux magazine in 2008.
Some cons about wetlands is you aren't allowed by law to build on wetlands. As for animals and humans, wetlands have many diseases in them so it's a big risk for animals and people. If i were to plan a wetland regeneration project id monitor its success by seeing if it is helping stop over-flooding, if our natural products have increased and as well as to see if animals are increasing or decreasing
Florence is remembered as the genesis of renaissance and wealth and wealth in cities uniqueness and architecture. During the middle ages, the city was wealthy of natural resources i.e. Marble quarries where building and sculptures were made.
During this period great thinkers, philosophers, artists, architects and political figures like Leonardo da Vinci, Donantello, Ghiberti.