La principal motivación para la creación de las Naciones Unidas, cuyos fundadores habían sufrido la devastación de dos guerras mundiales, fue evitar las generaciones venideras del flagelo de la guerra. Desde su creación, se ha pedido ayuda a la ONU tanto para que evite que las disputas concluyan en guerra, como que ayude a restaurar la paz cuando los conflictos armados ya han estallado o que promueva la paz duradera en sociedades que acaban de salir de una guerra.
Peaceful, a lot of trading goods,family meals and talks of sharing the land.
The question is related to Colombus' impressions about the discovered territory.
Colombus believed that the territory had great economic potential and that the land could be explored. He also said that exploration would be cheap, since it was possible to dominate the natives and force them to work in favor of the Spanish crown. Furthermore, he believed that it was necessary to convert the natives to Christianity.
When Colombus and his crew found the American continent, they were amazed by the extension of the territory, in addition to making sure that they found a land full of positive possibilities.
Colombus soon made sure to announce his discoveries and claimed to have found an extensive territory, with many trees, fruits, animals and several resources that would be very valuable to the crown. He stated that the land could be explored and that it had great potential. moreover, he stated that he met several natives, decivilized beings and with little intellectual capacity, but that could be catheterized, dominated and forced to serve the crown.