We should limit fat in our diet because not all fats are good for your body some are very dangerous
we should limit sugar in our diet because sugar as most people know is bad for your teeth and body. Too much sugar in your body could lead to a blood sugar spike and dangerous sugar drop ... you could pass out or throw up.
we should limit salt in our diet because to much salt in your body can lead to dehydration.
Native Americans had no immunity to the diseases that European had. Alcohol sold by European traders had a harsh effect on Native American life. The idea that someone could claim a piece of land and ban them from it caused many problems.
Osteoporosis is often linked to anorexia
you would notice if your symptoms were getting worse and not better. you would start to feel funny. talk to a licenced medical professional or pharmacist for the best over the counter product. read labels . when a product sounds too good to be true, it likely isnt going to deliver all it promises. do not purchase medicine over the internet unless you are 200% sure it is maufactured by a reputable pharmaceutical company.