1) A failed uprising against communist in Cuba, planned by the U.S.
The Bay of Pigs invasion was a failed landing operation on the southwestern coast of Cuba in 1961 by Cuban exiles who opposed Fidel Castro's Cuban Revolution. Covertly financed and directed by the U.S. government, the operation took place at the height of the Cold War and its failure led to major shifts in international relations between Cuba, the United States, and the Soviet Union. The invasion was a US foreign policy failure. The invasion's defeat solidified Castro's role as a national hero, and widened the political divide between the two formerly-allied countries. It also pushed Cuba closer to the Soviet Union, and those strengthened Soviet-Cuban relations would lead to the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.
La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta es B)Es observar, escuchar, conocer y compartir las tradiciones y costumbres de culturas diferentes a la mía y valorarlas.
Cuando hablamos sobre interculturalidad, nos referimos a "observar, escuchar, conocer y compartir las tradiciones y costumbres de culturas diferentes a la mía y valorarlas."
La interculturalidad nos permite mostrar respeto por las diferentes culturas y formas de pensar de otros países y regiones. Eso también fomenta la tolerancia entre los países, ya que invita a que sepamos escuchar con atención la manera en la que una persona que piensa y vive diferente a mi, con objeto de entender la diversidad que tenemos como humanos. Si respetamos y ponemos atención a las costumbres, tradiciones, idea, y cultura de los demás, y ellos hacen lo mismo con nosotros, aprenderemos muchas cosas pero también nos daremos cuenta que en el fondo, los humanos somos muy similares.
The correct answer is The lynching of a Jewish businessman
Explanation: The second phase of the Klan took place from 1915 and extended into the mid-1940s. It was the period when the Klan had the most power, becoming an influential political force in some US states and having millions of members. . At this stage, they continued their persecution against African Americans, but focused their violence on Catholics and Jews.
The influence of Ku Klux Klan in this second phase was such that the group had four million members. The group's weakening at this stage came as a result of internal power disputes, as well as scandals involving the group that were reported by the US media at the time.