Russia's monarchy worked to advance its technology, while England's was content to maintain its current level of development.
A specific time during development when a particular event has its greatest consequences, and the presence of certain kinds of environmental stimuli is necessary for development to proceed normally is referred to as critical period.
A step in the process in which the nervous system is particularly sensitive to environmental stimuli is understood as a critical period. If the life form does not obtain the suitable stimuli necessary to develop a given mechanism during this period, it may be challenging, or even unfeasible, to develop that component later on in life. For an instance the prime time of learning is learning how to crawl and walk, another is communicating and how to communicate properly with others.
Answer: Duke seems to be concerned with developing his technical skills.
Explanation: Technical skills are knowledge that are peculiar to a particular field of study e.g science, arts, accounting e.t.c
In this case, Duke is planning to improve his technical skills in accounting.
C. North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed by the Washington Treaty, also known as the North Atlantic Treaty, that was signed on April 5th, 1949. It is a strategic political and military alliance founded by the nations from North America and Europe ( in which United States played an important part) promising collective defense that aim to establish a credible alternative to the forces of the Soviet Union deployed in Central and Eastern Europe after the Second World War.
Answer: Enlightenment Dream
Explanation: The the 1700s to the 1800s marked the period of Enlightenment and philosophers of the time such as Kant believed that one of the important conditions in achieving enlightenment is freedom. He also assumed that the people oppressing the weak in society will not want to give up their power.
Another thinker of the era of Enlightenment, Socrates believed in using public arguments to fight for what is right, in such a way that the powerful have no choice but to listen to the ruled
Dr. Martin King fought for freedom through arguments, without the use of violence. This is what this paragraph means by calling him an heir to the Enlightenment dream. He used methods thinkers of the Enlightenment Era believed would work in such a situation.