Since the end of the nineteenth century, it had been clear that the resource-rich and rapidly industrializing United States was the world's rising superpower, but the US was reluctant to adopt this mantle. This was rooted in history: the country took to heart George Washington's advice in his Farewell Address that it steer clear of involvement in European politics and conflicts.
The US did enter belatedly into World War I, but after that war, it retreated back into isolationism, stunningly refusing to enter the League of Nations, despite this organization being close to the heart of President Woodrow Wilson. The US was equally reluctant to join in World War II (though FDR knew this was inevitable) until the country was directly attacked at Pearl Harbor.
After the War ended in 1945, however, the US finally fully accepted its role as a world leader. This was an enormous change in its orientation to international politics. The US was at the forefront in establishing the UN, headquartering...
Hope this is Correct.
The Monroe Doctrine simply stated that the west will not interfere with the affairs of Europe as long as they didn't interfere with us. This enabled us to be able to deal with the smaller countries and help them reform their government. The Monroe doctrine allowed the United States to become "protectors" of the smaller countries in the western hemisphere.
b. Soviet Union; wanted to make sure that they were able to keep control of
Eastern Europe.
Traditional economy relies on habit, custom, or ritual to decide what to produce, how to produce it, and to whom to distribute it.
A market economy, economic decisions are made by individuals and are based on exchange, or trade.
A command economies, because a central authority is in command of the economy.
Mixed economies market-based economic systems in which government plays a limited role.