It has made customers get service more quickly. For example when people used to wait in drive thrus at restaurants, they would have to wait until someone took their order and then told the people inside to cook the food . Now with the speakers they use, the employees can easily get your order from inside and efficiently alert the chefs to cook the food.
Clinical psychologists make up the single largest specialty area in psychology. Clinicians are psychologists who assess, diagnose and treat mental illnesses. They frequently work in mental health centers, private or group practices or hospitals
The Pacific plate is subducting beneath the Philippine Sea plate to the east while the west/northwestern part of the Philippine Sea plate is subducting beneath the continental Eurasian plate
BeCaUsE i SaId SoOoOo
A language may be endangered because there are fewer and fewer people who claim that language as their own and therefore neither use it nor pass it on to their children.
because it is