Its authoritative. I learned that in 3rd grade. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!
During act 2, scene 1, when Macbeth is waiting for the signal from Lady Macbeth, he hallucinates and sees a bloody dagger floating in front of him.
This vision is interpreted as Macbeth's guilt for the murder he is about to commit. The dagger he sees is the same weapon he is about to use to kill the king.
I came into the House only to cry/sneeze/fall/laugh/die
just change out the words and you have five infinitive sentences :)<span />
Answer : How many types of fruit have you tried ?
C) The author tells about seeing Russell as a grown-up and accepting him as is. That is the detail that best explains how the author develops the theme over the course of the text. In ¨About Russell¨ the author starts describing how his brother used to be as they were children and continues describing how he gradually changed as they grew up. She had a vision for what her brother would become which was different from what he actually became. But by the end of the text she states that a ¨A grown man, Russell simply will not do what he doesn’t want to¨. That indicated that he could not be forced to change and therefore she accepted him as he was indicated by the statement ¨ family simply accepts him as is¨
That's for part A
And part B is D I guess