After Emily dies, she decides to go back to the living to relive her 12th birthday. How does she feel when she returns to the wo
rld of the living? What does she tell the other dead people when she returns to the cemetery? Based on Emily’s experiences, what theme might Thornton Wilder be trying to give to the audience? Question from 'Our Town' by Thornton Wilder, please don't delete only asking people who've read or seen play.
She returned to her 12th birthday bcuz she thinks it was unimportant. While she was reliving this she realized that all humans are blind. She realized that she took life for granted and did not appreciate the little things. She did not appreciate what she had until she had lost it. In the beginning the other dead people had warned her not to return to the land of the living but she still did it. When she returned she told them "I should have listened to you. That's all human beings are. Just blind people. Thornton wilder is trying to get the readers to appreciate the small things because later on they become things you regret that you did not appreciate.