Proverbs are popular sayings which contain advice or state a generally accepted truth. Most proverbs have their origins in oral tradition, they are generally worded in such a way as to be remembered easily and tend to change little from generation to generation, so much so that sometimes their specific meaning is no longer relevant. For instance, the proverb “penny wise, pound foolish” is a holdover from when America was a British colony and used the pound as currency. Proverbs function as “folk wisdom,” general advice about how to act and live, and because they are folk wisdom, they are often strongly reflect the cultural values and physical environment from which they arise. Proverbs are used to support arguments, to provide lessons and instruction, and to stress shared values.
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Adidas: "Impossible is Nothing."
Walmart: "Save Money. Live Better."
L'Oreal: "Because you’re worth it."
McDonald’s: "I’m Lovin’ It."
LG: "Life’s Good."
Panasonic: "Ideas for Life."
Mastercard: "There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s MasterCard."
Kentucky Fried Chicken: "Finger lickin’ good."
Sony: "Make Believe."
Kodak: "Share moments. Share life."
Answer: It’s surprising that the author is “not worried,” even though drowning or other harm
seems possible. He is “more amazed than anything” at feeling protected by the river. His feeling of being “one with this river” is unexpected, because experiencing a severe storm while being vulnerable in a canoe usually creates the feeling of fear.
Explanation:This is how he fells I got the answer correct.
O D. What is exotic is a matter of perspective, and there are always new
adventures to have.