Hola tío que realmente quería un regalo de Navidad y yo estaría esperando que era u mi papá azúcar??
Summary on somebody's son by richard pindell
There's a short story by Richard Pindell,
called "Somebody's Son." is written by Richard Pindell. It starts with a runaway boy called David.He is sitting by the side of the road. He is writing a letter to his mother at home home.He expresses his hope that his father will forgive and accept him back as his son again.
He writes:
"Dear Mother,
In a few days I'll be passing our property. If Dad will take me back, ask him to tie a white cloth on the apple tree in the field next to our house."
As David is seated on a train rapidly approaching his home days later. Two pictures flash back and forth in his mind: one tree with a white cloth tied on it and another tree without a white cloth.
David's heart beats faster and faster as the train gets closer.
When the train finally passes the tree, he can't believe what his eyes. The apple tree has a white cloth tied to almost every branch!
If you're talking about adverBs, then you should be carful to use them in the right context, like if somone is feeling sad and does something, then you say that they did it "sadly". Also be careful to use them sparingly. Don't layer up with just adverbs. If you do, the writing becomes a whole lot more dense, and it gets boring to read.
james is more like the first kid but james decided to change his ways to better himself
Can you describe this better?