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This is also known as the "We Shall Fight on the Beaches" speech that Churchill gave during the Battle of France (which of course, the French would lose to the Nazis, who marched into Paris on June 14, 1940). Churchill was attempting to rally support from the British politicians and the people, since England too was at war with Germany. Great Britain was, in fact, on its own, since the United States would not enter the war until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor a year later.
Lord Capulet views marriage as a bargain, a contract, and a way to increase his family's standing in the community. Since Paris is a cousin of the Prince, Capulet believes that this marriage will bring honor and status to the Capulet family. He probably has the intention of using this to assert dominance over the Montagues. When describing Paris to Juliet he says he is "A gentleman of noble parentage / Of fair demesnes, youthful, and nobly train'd<span>" (Act 3, Scene 5). This shows that his main focus is Paris's status, rather than how he would actually be as a match for Juliet.
Capulet does not even think of what Juliet might want, he says to Paris "I think she will be ruled / In all respects by me; nay, more, I doubt it not" (Act 3, Scene 4). This shows that he just assumes Juliet will agree to marry Paris because he said so. When she refuses, he reacts very badly. He says that if she does not agree to the wedding, she can "hang, beg, starve, die in
the streets, / <span>For, by my soul, I'll ne'er acknowledge thee" (Act 3, Scene 5). This shows the lengths he is willing to go to to punish Juliet if she does not agree, which reinforces his idea of marriage as a contractual agreement rather than something that is developed out of love. </span>
<span>I hope this helps! :)
1. Antinous Pallas </span><span>vocal suitor of Penelope
2. Zeus </span>son of Cronus, Athena's Father
3. Mentes Athena in disguise
4. Poseidon "Earth Shaker"
5. <span>Polyphemus Cyclops
6. Calypso </span><span> "bewitching nymph" of Ogygia
7. </span>Orestes <span>Agamemnon's son
8. </span>Laertes <span>Telemachus's grandfather
9. </span>Eurycleia Telemachus's devoted servant
By comparing himself to the figure of Lazarus, Prufrock is engaging in something of a life-death narrative. In his imaginary conversation with the woman he seems to be addressing the poem to, Prufrock imagines himself saying "I am Lazarus, come from the dead"<span> where Lazarus lying dead in the tomb is like Prurock engaging in his self-made </span>universe (the poem)<span>. Lazarus returns from the land of the dead</span><span> to tell others of f his experiences just as Prufrock imagines himself coming out of his thoughts - which might be drug induced - to tell of his imaginings. </span>