To write fraction as a decimal u have to divide the denominator in to ur numerator.
7 / 30 = .233
It was finally D-day. We were super excited to be visiting the 'R-Zoo' as it was called ('R' for Radioactive). The zoo was the only one of its kind, with its main attraction being its extremely fierce radioactive alligator. That is precisely where we were headed first. As soon as we entered the somewhat dimly lit cavern, we could hear a roar from the crowd, with a preceding crackling sound, something that resembled a burst of lightning and the sharp wham of something very heavy falling onto the ground. It was a huge banyan tree that was lying horizontally at the edge of the water. At first, we didn't notice anything much except the brown wooden log and the glistening water. It was only when the log started moving that we could make out <em>what</em> was moving it - a huge, menacing, scaly creature with jaws powerful enough to hurl the heavy tree out of the water, laser-like eyes glinting with anger at probably being disturbed out of its reverie, and a body that seemed to be emitting sparks at regular intervals, igniting the dry leaves that came in its way.
A because this is the first Christmas that we have not needed to economise
A Descriptive Phrase is a group of nouns, adjectives, or a verb, that act together to describe a single noun (person, place, thing, or quality). ... As an introduction to a complete thought or sentence Descriptive Phrase, Noun + Rest of Sentence: "A tall gentleman, Tom always gets dates."
Huck finds a rattle snake and kills it. He thinks it will be funny to curl it up and place it on Jim's blanket.
"I killed him, and curled him up on the foot of Jim's blanket, ever so natural, thinking there'd be some fun. "(49)
The joke backfires because the rattlesnake's mate gets in Jim's blanket and bites Jim. He gets bit on the heel.