Father is a man in relation to his child or children.
Further is at, to, or by a greater distance (used to indicate the extent to which one thing or person is or becomes distant from another).
“They scrambled to their places by the rowlocks / and all in line dipped oars in the gray sea” (Homer 6-7).
In-text MLA citations should include the author's last name and page number when available. The citation must be after the quotation, but outside of the quoted text. The citation should be in parenthesis and not include a comma between the author's last name and page number. The comma is extraneous. In order to make it clear that the parenthetical citation belongs to the quoted text and not the sentence following, there needs to be a comma after the citation - not before.
Answer: Mary absolutely is astonished and happy to have something all to herself, and that only she knows about it.