The changes which can be reversed are called reversible changes. These are also called physical changes. Example- Melting of ice, Tearing of paper etc are physical or reversible changes.
Sadness has sad feeling. for example, if a friend dies, you will cry. that is what sadness is.
heating of the mountain slope by the sun
DNA is an example of a complex biological polymer called a nuclei acid. Nucleic acids are made up of many smaller sub units called nucleotides. The components of a DNA nucleotide are deoxyribose, phosphate group, nitrogen group. There are four possible bases in a DNA molecules which includes adenine, cytosine, guanine and tymine.
Mutations can lead to changes in the structure of an encoded protein or to a decrease or complete loss in its expression. Because a change in the DNA sequence affects all copies of the encoded protein, mutations can be particularly damaging to a cell or organism.