It was primarily "the Industrial Revolution" that led European countries to seek natural resources in colonies around the world during the 19th century, since these natural resources were uses in the factories to make products that were sold.
The judicial branch's responsibilities include: Interpreting state laws;... Determining the guilt or innocence of people accused of breaking the state's criminal laws; Acting as a check on state government's legislative and executive arms.
This is like an opinion question so no answer is wrong unless you don't explain it or don't even leave an answer ⚆ _ ⚆
I disagree/agree and here is why _____
Here's an example of how I would start
I agree/disagree, I think that 18 is a great/bad age for people to start being able to vote. Here are a couple reason _____
Hope it helped, if not (ಥ﹏ಥ) I'm sorry I failed you...
The only methods that could be used by the northerners was arguing the fugitive slave act was unconstitutional and moving slaves to Canada so they couldn't be taken back.