The answer is B.
The mouth is where the food obviously go into your body. Then it travels through ur esophagus into the stomah. chemical reactions happen in the stomach, which then is traveled to the small intestine first to break fats and other things.Then lastly to the large intestines to absorb water from the mass substance to take that useless water to .... let u use the bathroom.
Read the Bulleted texts to get the main part of the Answers
Photosynthesis is done only by plants by using sunlight water and CO2
All living organisms can do cellular repirations
She is wrong because she said plants only do photosynthesis but that's not true because trees do cellular repiration too because when there is no sunlight they need energy. So what they do is they break down the sugar doing glycolysis by using mitochondria. Sidenote:Both plants and animals have mitochondria in their cells.They need energy right when there is no sun.So they use glycolysis.Glyco means sugar and lysis means break down.Then there come 2 steps.
Aerobic Respiration
Anaerobic Repiration
If the sugar that we just break down contains oxygen the that sugar falls to the aerobic respiration
If it does not contain sugar it goes to Anaerobic Respiration
Aerobic Respiration : It would use Kreb Cycle to Make 2 ATP.ATP is for Adension Tri Phosphate. Which is basically enregy.Then there comes Electron Transport Chain.Where they use protons to gain 32 ATP.Overall
2 ATp from glycolysis 2 from Kreb Cycle and 36 from ETC so 36
Anerobic: They fall part to 2 major respirations of this section which are
1. Alcoholic Repiration - It contains no oxygen, gain 2 atp and used to make breads and alcohol
2.Lactic Acid - gain 2 ATp and no oxygen and used in yogurt you eat and it creates sore in your muscles
She is wrong because that is completely wrong statement that trees only do photosynthesis but no they use cellular Respiration to gain energy from ATP when there is no sun available to them
Hope that answers the question
when you Observe, you describe what you are seeing at the moment. so observation means seeing.
inference is the result you receive by observation.
for example, "I threw a stick and the dog ran after it and brought it back to me" this is an observation. you don't mention the reason why the dog brought you the stick. you just describe what happened!
but if you say, "the dog was trained to bring back the stick." you are mentioning the reason of the dog's behavior and that's inference.
An independent variable is a variable that does not rely on the other. a dependent variable depends on the independent variable to change. as you change the independent, the dependent variable changes. also I believe pepsi or coke has the most caffeine