For the third time, Ligonier Ministries has examined the State of Theology in the United States, conducted by LifeWay Research and based on interviews with 3,000 Americans. The survey, also conducted in 2014 and 2016, offers a detailed look at the favorite heresies of evangelicals and of Americans at large.
Benedict Arnold was an American general who defected to the British army
So, the question is, what is Mercantilism?
Simply, Mercantilism is a policy, through which a country tries to protect its own businesses from the competition with other countries.
This policy encourages maximizing export and minimizing imports.
During the colonial era, countries like France, Great Britain implemented it using their political authority.
So, now let’s come back to our own topic.
Far around hundred years before the rebellion began, in the years 1651, 1660, and 1663 the English parliament passed some acts, popular as the ‘Navigation Acts’ in history.
As per those acts, only British ships were allowed to bring goods to the 13 colonies of America.