They are more free as they used to be affected by communism :)
*chief must maintain mutual harmony, mutual co-operation ,mutual understanding among people.
* He/she should develop trust worthy ,peaceful and co-operative environment.
*He/ she should control conflict ,eradicate superstations from society.
* He/ she must develop the feeling of co- existence ,help and respect to each other among people of ghana.
*likewise,chief should increase the feeling of sympathy , living together,emotional atrachment.
* He / she must launch awareness among people about the importance of unity and national integration.
Data Analysis is a process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modelling data with the goal of discovering useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision-making. Data analytics allow us to make informed decisions and to stop guessing
Whenever there is deficit between exports and imports, is indicates that people demand more imports than exports thus there is net outflow of US dollar to meet the growing demand for imports.