Romeo had been previously been distant and not talking much and he would disappear at random times
D. Be patient and learn all you can about the job.
<em>"(the soil)/ Is bare now, nor can feet feel, being shod," </em>- by analysing the line, we deduce that Hopkins means people are out of touch with God because they're out of touch with the earth.
<em>The correct option is Option D. </em>
Gerard Manley Hopkins’s “God’s Grandeur,” is an exploration of the bond between Nature and God. It is about how the Almighty is infused in everything around us, despite man’s effort to ruin everything. When the sonnet was written, industrial and commercial revolutions were at their peak which put extra pressure on the environment. To express his concern and to cause awareness among others, Hopkins penned down this beautiful realisation.
<span>Jonathan Swift used "Book Three" of Gulliver's Travels to satirize the Dutch because of William's connections with Holland. William of Orange was king of England in the 17th century and he lived in the Netherlands/Holland for a long time before coming to England to claim his rightful throne. Swift wasn't really a fan of this which is why he wanted to satirize the whole affair in his novel.</span>