Washington's most valuable crop is wheat
Monarchy, republic, it made martyrs of the Christian people, and Augustus, Constantine, Diocletian I believe
How has it affected a woman‟s ability to meet society‟s expectations of her duties as a wife and mother?
back then you were raised to a low bar now as life goes on it gets higher and higher. as a wife you were needed to cook, clean, do as you were told. a mother take care of young cook clean , and do what ever was needed. after some women stood up very few women were getting there spot in so call "society" there were vary few things that they could do.
im sorry .... im tried and other things are going on...sorry if its not what your looking for.
obviously not as we can see in monarchy there are no political parties and in anarchy where there is no government at all and when George Washington was our president there were no political parties and he said that political parties would ruin our country