Autonomy is within sovereignty. autonomy basically is having some form of freedom of self governing and this not mean a sovereign state. sovereignty on the other hand is the totality of a nations delineated boundary where a country exercise full control especially in the form of defense.
Due to the fact that most men were drafted into the War, Women were forced out of household jobs and into more jobs men traditionally done. Women replaced industrial workers who were in war and worked alongside men. Women also entered the war as nurses and ambulance drivers.
Hello! Another word for next, can be after. I hope this helps you.
The poem above shows freedom as something natural that exists in our world as a force of nature. However, like the forces of nature, freedom can have devastating and violent effects capable of suppressing those who oppose its objectives and purposes.
When freedom shows its strength and its fury, those who need it tend to be frightened and reject its performance. However, when freedom withdraws and its dominance and violence diminishes, the world goes into chaos and threatens its very existence, causing those who have rejected freedom to call for their action again.
Therefore, the poem shows how freedom is powerful, strong, influential and can have violent and devastating effects, but it is necessary and impossible to live without it.
Similarly, school >> fish. ie, the relationship of 'pride' to 'lions' is of being a word for a group of them. It is the same with school in relation to fish. 'Pride' is the same idea in relation to lions, as 'school' is in relation to fish