Austria-hungary wanted to expand its empire into the country of serbia. gavrilo princip, a member of a serbian terrorist organiz
ation, assassinated archduke __________ _______________ of austria-hungary (heir to the throne). this set off a series of events which caused austria-hungary and germany to declare war on serbia. this also brought in serbia’s friend ________________ and the other members of the triple entente. ______________ did not join its fellow triple alliance members but instead switched sides and joined the triple entente and serbia to form a new alliance called the allied powers (aka the allies). germany, austria-hungary, ______________ and the ottoman empire (turkey) formed a new alliance called the central powers.
Explanation: To use as an example, America was hugely shaped by many philosophers. One of the philosophers, John Locke posed natural rights that one should have. And that it was not a law of the government but a "natural law".
There were three types of British colonies: royal, proprietary, and self-governing. Each type had its own characteristics. Royal colonies were owned by the king. from the British government.