1) Pale Male
2) Pink Mink
3) Slender Mender
4) Fine Dine
5) Clean Queen
6) Hen Pen
7) Loud Crown
8) Witty Kitty
Answer: A. Definitions
Dictionaries are one of the general references found in libraries wherein you don't have to read it from cover to cover. All you have to do is to scan on specific words you are looking for. All the dictionaries provide definitions however,not all of them gives the language origin, history of the word and even synonyms.
Answer: Because chess is a game where you need a real poker face. You have to keep your emotions bottled up inside instead of showing them. Because then your opponent will know that you have a great move in mind or something along those lines. She loves these secrets because she wants to be unlike her mother who is always voicing her opinion. She wants to have her secrets to herself and she can through chess.
Hope this helped!
The story "Civil Peace" by Chinua Achebe follows a character called Jonathan Iwegbu in the aftermath of the Nigerian Civil War. The civil war was extremely disruptive and destructive, and Jonathan has lost almost everything he had. However, the aftermath of the war is not much better. Violence, crime and suffering are still rampant, and it is obvious that things will not be back to normal for a very long time.
The title "Civil Peace" is therefore used in an ironic sense. Achebe wants us to remember that, even though technically peace has been restored, the situation is still far from normal. Moreover, the violence that was common during the war is not gone, and things are still not much better for common people like Jonathan Iwegbu.