In the early 1960s, sociologist Herbert Gans moved into a newly developed suburb in new jersey where he lived for two years, observing and interviewing his neighbors. in research terms, Gans conducted a participant observation study. Participant observation is method used for data collection, in which the <span>the </span>observer is a "player" in the action (he/she <span>participates in ongoing activities and records </span>observations). The technique is used in many studies in Anthropology and Sociology.
The decennial census provides a uniquely comprehensive data source. Its accuracy affects not only political representation but whether adequate funding is disbursed to where it is needed the most in areas ranging from potholes to health insurance to education.
Family. sets values, basic attitudes, self-image.
Mass media. Displays role Mandela for children to imitate.
Work. Emphasizes organization, responsibility.
Peers. Learn to deal with conflict, competition, empathy.
School. teaches discipline, order, cooperation, conformity.
You could draw a woman on the floor appearing to be crying, looking doen while a man is staring down at her with a clenched fist and try to make dirty walls and floor to add to the aspect of a dystopia of domestic violence