Do not let the past hold you back from your future achievements.
The poem was written by Maya Angelou. This is a very inspiration poem that motivates the individuals to rise up despite the odd situations they have faced in the past. It inspires to appreciate our inner beauty, strength and resilience despite of the circumstances we face.
rude and bad behavior
when you have manners you and a good student or something else but when it's the opposite of manners your are rude have bad behavior and don't listen to people.Your welcome!
Answer: Damage is done when humans play God.
An important theme throughout Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is the damage that can be done to society when humans decide to play God. This is an idea that she mentions in her introduction to the work. In fact, the novel itself can be read as a cautionary tale against the ambitions of scientists and the vanity of humans.
D is best supporting your statement that tap water is healthier than bottled water.