first letter of a sentence should always be capitalized as well as when beginning a "quote"
The speaker thoughts, (inanimate) is floating up like moths (animate) among branches of perfect trees all night long.
The speaker is deep in thoughts so much they suddenly developed wings and started floating as a kite would or in this case a moth among branches. These branches are also hindrances because it could get stuck in them, and because it got stuck, he had to do the thinking all night.
So far, there was no breakthrough in his thoughts.
Envision someone lying awake in bed all night and staring at the ceiling in the dark, left alone with troubled or pleasant thoughts.
Feeling Disgruntled, Shanon went back home after learning that the store was closed and she could no longer return her beauty products.
There are two main positions in the world regarding spirituality and the existence of higher entities: the one that establishes that faith in a divinity is a way to achieve objectives with the help of that higher being, which guides individuals on the path of the religions; and the one that maintains that free will is ultimately what regulates the results of men's actions, as only these can determine their destiny through their actions.
Today, society, educational and religious institutions, science and even the socioeconomic conditions of each person determine the way in which they think about the issue, and what position they take on it. Thus, for example, education in science, biology, physics and other branches of the natural sciences advocates the path of free will, seeking rational explanations for natural phenomena, with which the individual immersed in this environment is most likely not religious; while those people raised in more conservative environments, with a more humanistic approach or focused on the social sciences will most likely defend the path of faith as the one through which greater personal development is achieved.