It helps to make primary data collection more specific, saves effort and time since another researcher already collected the resources and accessing if it’s credible.
On the supply side, government subsidies help an industry by allowing the producers to produce more goods and services. This increases the overall supply of that good or service, increases the quantity demanded for that good or service and lowers the overall price of the good or service.
Segregation was widespread in the North.
During the Great Migration, a period between 1916 and 1970, six million African Americans left the South. Huge numbers moved northeast and reported discrimination and segregation similar to what they had experienced in the South.
As late as the 1940s, it was still possible to find “Whites Only” signs on businesses in the North. Segregated schools and neighborhoods existed, and even after World War II, Black activists reported hostile reactions when Black people attempted to move into white neighborhoods.
Out of Africa theory
This theory is supported by modern research that early primate life begun in Africa and later spread to other parts of the world. several prehistoric sites have been unearthed in the East African region which supports these assertions.