Stalin signed a nonaggression pact with Germany because he knew that Europe was on the brink of another major war, and he wanted time to be able to build up the Soviet military.
From its earliest years, the Senate has jealously guarded its power to review and approve or reject presidential appointees to executive and judicial branch posts. In its history, the Senate has confirmed 126 Supreme Court nominations and well over 500 Cabinet nominations.
The U.S was made when the 13 colonies declared their independence in 1776
1. Arches were very important for building aqueducts.
2. Caesar claimed to have turned Rome into a city of marble, because his last words were: “I found Rome of clay; I leave it to you of marble.”
3. Caesar built the Roman Forum as a large complex of government and public buildings, because this is one of the most renowned ancient wonders of the world.
4. The Pantheon in Rome features a large, rounded roof or ceiling known as a dome, since a rounded ceiling is known as a dome.
The house of representative and senate are tasked by the constitution to debate and approve all government spending in the spirit of checks and balances as enhanced by the principle of separation of power.