The crafters of the United States constitution wanted a system of government wherein the people had a voice in their ruling but at the same time, the crafters were worried that the people would rule like a mob without checks and that the majority would persecute the minorities in the country.
Both the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists agreed that there were dangers inherent in the system, which is why the crafters created a system with checks and balances on the lawmaking process and a bicameral legislature with a body, the US Senate, whose job is to ensure that cooler heads always prevail.
This shows the influence of thinkers like Edmund Burke, a British philosopher, who advocated for incremental change.
The cost of this is that things do move slowly and sometimes the legislatures misses the ball. The response to this has been a stronger Executive branch with the power to create temporary executive orders but the process is still slow.
The benefit is an incremental system that has lasted longer than any system of Government in the world.
The question is whether or not America's system can adequately work in a time when new challenges and threats are coming every minute.
Without giving us the passage you have in front of you, maybe you can figure it out on your own (or perhaps already did). Which of the themes is evident in the passage you're looking at?
The rise of McCarthyism: Senator Joseph McCarthy led a vigorous campaign to root out all persons that had any suspicion of being communist sympathizers.
The elimination of the House Un-American Activities Committee: That was part of the backlash against McCarthyism, seeing that McCarthy and others had gone to far in their anti-communism crusade.
Opposition to Republicans supporting the Korean War: Though Truman's actions to get involve the United States in the war in Korean were initially popular, that popularity began to dwindle once China entered into the conflict and it became apparent this was going to be a protracted and difficult struggle.
The Truman Doctrine was first stated by the president to Congress in 1947, saying: "I<span>t must be the policy of the United States to support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures." Essentially, the Truman Doctrine pledged American effort elsewhere in the world to check the spread of communist and Soviet influence. The policy was first put into action in 1948 by providing economic support to Greece and Turkey to stave off communist movement in those countries.</span>
1) There would be a gradual withdrawal of American troops from South Vietnam.
2) The South Vietnamese would take greater responsibility for the fighting.
their life must have been hard,
Have you ever heard the phrase “the roaring twenties?” Also known as the Jazz Age, the decade of the 1920s featured economic prosperity and carefree living for many. The decade began with a roar and ended with a crash. ... Prosperity was on the rise in cities and towns, and social change flavored the air.
The Industrial Revolution also paved the way for larger corporations and restaurant chains to take over food production, which resulted in a decrease in food prices and an overall increase in accessibility to foods that were produced due to the Industrial Revolution.