Citing the title publisher and publictaion date
The rhyme scheme is ABAB up until the last two lines, which are CC. Rhyme scheme signifies which lines rhyme with each other, depending on the last word in each line. The As correspond with each other, the Bs correspond with each other, and so on.
The main idea of the poem is that one should not to give up pursuing a woman if at first she doesn't seem interested, because when she has finally been won over, her love will last forever. In other words, be patient, because a woman who is not easily wooed will provide the longest form of love.
The poet uses the "metaphor" of burning an oak. A metaphor is a comparison between two seemingly unlike things (in this case a woman/her love and an oak tree) without using the words "like" or "as" (which would make the comparison a simile).
The poet uses the metaphor of a wound to represent how deep love can go ("Deep is the wound, that dints the parts entire With chaste affects, that naught but death can sever").
logically he should have felt scared and also im not sure how anger was an inappropriate response hehe sorry ( i see you are reading touching spirit bear)
Created in China, the printing press revolutionized society there before being further developed in Europe in the 15th Century by Johannes Gutenberg and his invention of Gutenberg press.
-I did not type this- so plz do not report