For the words on top of the picture it says
"And when Josh was about to say yes"
"the great love of his youth appeared"
Answer:In the year 1790, some workers 1. _______________ (discover) the calendar when 2. ____________ (be) making repairs in Mexico City. By order of General Porfirio Díaz, Mexicans 3. ________________ (move) the find to the National Museum of Anthropology in 1885. The Aztec calendar 4. _______________ (be) one of the most important objects of Aztec culture. Not only 5. ________________ (show) the days but 6. _________________ (calculate) how 7. __________________ (move) the Sun, the Moon, and the planet Venus. The Aztecs 8. ________________ (build) this calendar. 9. _________________ (Be) a very large circle-shaped stone and 10. _________________ (weigh) 20 tons. At its center, 11. _________________ (have) the face of Tonatiuh, the sun god, who is surrounded by other symbols 12. _________________ (represent) the universe. The Aztecs 13. ______________ (have) the belief that to maintain the order of the system of the universe 14. ________________ (must) do certain ceremonies. For example, the ancient inhabitants of Mexico City 15 ._______________ (put) the calendar in a horizontal position as if it were a mirror of the sky.
<h3>Possessive adjectives in Spanish are written as follows:</h3>
In Spanish the possessive adjectives are those that modify the noun by adding an idea of belonging or possession.
Unlike in English, in Spanish, possessive adjectives agree in number and gender with the noun of the possessed thing and not with the owner or possessor.
<h3>List of possessive adjectives of a single possessor:</h3>
First person:
mi, mío, mis, míos
Second person:
tu, su, tuyo, tus, sus, tuyos, suyos
Third person:
su, sus,
<h3>List of possessive adjectives of several owners:</h3>
First person:
nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras
Second person:
su, vuestro, vuestra, sus, vuestros, vuestras
Third person:
su, sus