The 16th century saw the origins of the scientific revolution in Europe especially centred in the Rennaisance in Italy. Economically this was a response to the burgeoning trade in the Mediterranean between Italian ports and Middle Eastern and North African countries and under the tutelage of rich powerful families like the Medicis and also the transition from feudalism of the Middle Ages to the nascent capitalism in Europe. The geocentric theory of the earth was challenged by Galileo (Italian )and Copernicus (Polish) as a result of the intellectual foment brought in with capitalism. In mining, Georgius Agricola, who was trained as a physician began first-hand investigation of underground mines in the Erzgebirge Mts of Bohemia and wrote the treatise on this called De Re Metallica which was the authority on such mining/milling techniques for 200 years after. This was made possible by the personal investigation of the mines and discussion with the miners and mine managers which was a big break from the classical scholars who often merely speculated on things.
Answer:Steerage is the answer
Egypt divided into three kingdoms, which consist of the Old, the Middle and the New Kingdoms.
The Old kingdom had city-states, the Middle had a royal dynasty, and the New kingdom had cities.
Old Egypt began after Menes united Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt into one to prevent further conflicts and wars. During the Old Kingdom, pyramid and the Great Sphinx build.
The Middle Kingdom flourished through trade and built massive buildings.
It was during the New Kingdom when the Empire conquered most of its territorial lands. Pharaohs launched expeditions and campaigns to seize lands in Kush, Nubia, Israel, Lebanon, and Syria. Egypt during the New kingdom expanded trade and received goods from other regions.
The agricultural revolution of the 18th century paved the way for the industrial revolution in britain. new farming techniques and improved livestock breeding lead to amplified food production. This allowed a spike in population and increased health. The new farming techniques also lead to an enclosure movement