A gravitational singularity is a one-dimensional point which contains a huge mass in an infinitely small space.
A gravitational singularity lies in the center of a black hole. A gravitational singularity is a one-dimensional point which contains a huge mass in an infinitely small space. In this infinitely small space, density and gravity become infinite and the laws of physics cease to operate.
a discouraged worker.
A disincentive employee or discouraged worker refers to the individual who is qualified for jobs and who can work, but who is currently unemployed and has not tried to find a job in the last four weeks.
Discouraged workers have generally given up looking for an employment since, whenever they tried, they encountered no reasonable job opportunities or did not secure a position.
Because discouraged individuals no longer seek jobs, they are not considered to be involved in the labor force. This implies that the benchmark rate of unemployment, which is based solely on the number of active labor force, does not recognize the number of depressed workers in the area.
65% of participants delivered the full Ange of shocks, going up to 450 volts
Milgram's experiment has been denounced repeatedly by ethicists, commentators, and fellow psychologists. At the same time, the results surprised many experts within the field by showing what ordinary people are capable of doing to one another. The result that was likely the most surprising is that 65% of participants delivered the full Ange of shocks, going up to 450 volts.
Options B & D
Bankruptcy refers to a situation where by a people cannot pay their debts. It involves a legal process.
Option B and D are true.
Many major cities have avoided bankruptcy by being placed under the control of financial control boards by their state governments. As such it they are declared bankrupt by a court are brought under the control of independent trustees whose primary objective is to ensure that obligations to bondholders are satisfied in full.
- A: Per the federal bankruptcy code, a municipality can be declared bankrupt but not insolvent is not true because if you are declared bankrupt, it implies that you are either not paying you loan as due or have stopped paying for a while and it also means you are insolvent. A government can be bankrupt if they cannot pay their debts.
A core special provision is the Section 5 preclearance requirement, which prohibits certain jurisdictions from implementing any change affecting voting without receiving preapproval from the U.S. Attorney General or the U.S. District Court for D.C. that the change does not discriminate against protected minorities.