Zora, a young girl known for her imaginative imagination and proclivity for telling compelling lies, spends her time with her best friend Carrie, who tells the plot
While Joe Clark is violent, angry, and set in his own ways and beliefs.
A group usually has their norms which is what brings together and relates them.
She locks her husband and Jennie out of the room for all of those reasons.
She is attempting to free the woman from behind the wallpaper (and herself from the constraints of her husband's cruelty). In order to free the woman, she has to be able to remove the wallpaper. Since, as the narrator describes the situation, it's fairly clear that she's going insane, she believes that she has to get all the wallpaper off so that they can't put the woman (her) back into the wall. It's important to the narrator that they not stop her from removing the paper.
it would not be neccessary for a student to know how to play a musical instrument, but it is helpful in certain fields and jobs. if you wish to be a musician or a music teacher, it would help to know how to play an instrument.