It should be both the rights and the liberties, as they are similar to each other and not distinguishable to my opinion.
Alexander the Great destroyed the city of Thebes because he wanted to send a message to the other Greeks that were thinking of revolting like Thebes did. Thebes and other Greek city-states had a pact with Phillip II, Alexander's father, king of Macedonia, that they would be a part of Macedonia. When Phillip died and Alexander took over Macedonia, the Greeks did not want to bow to a 'child' (a 20 year old). Also it had been rumored in the cities that Alexander was dead and it was the perfect time to revolt. That is the reason Alexander the Great destroyed the city of Thebes.
In 1819 Ogden sued Thomas Gibbons, who was operating steamboats in the same waters without the authority of Fulton and Livingston. Ogden won in 1820 in the New York Court of Chancery . Gibbons appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, contending that he was protected by terms of a federal license to engage in coasting trade.
I need to know the context of the situation. if this is now then its completely different from say the 1870's or late 19th century