I added a decimal format to keep all decimals within the hundredths place. I also changed the calcTip method to void and the argument to a double. Void means the method doesn't return anything and changing bill to type double let's us pass numbers with decimals to the calcTip method. I hope this helps!
elon musk/ bill gates/ jeff bezos/ henry ford/ tim cook
i googled it/ i added more
A. 243
B. True
C. 0
Macro instruction is a line of coding used in computer programming. The line coding results in one or more coding in computer program and sets variable for using other statements. Macros allows to reuse code. Macro has two parts beginning and end. After the execution of statement of quiz4 x, 4 the macro x will contain 243. When the macro is invoked the statement will result in an error. When the macro codes are executed the edx will contain 0. Edx serve as a macro assembler.
Usability emphasizes utility over aesthetics statement best describes the concept of usability.
B. Usability emphasizes utility over aesthetics.
Usability mainly speaks about the utility of an item. There are many wastes created in home and work place and those are sometimes thrown without knowing that it can be re-used for another purpose.
It is always better to re-use the product without considering aesthetic aspects though aesthetic is equally important. We can make the old objects to create a new one.
There are many videos in the social media to make the old objects to be used as a sub-product to create a new object and sometimes it looks better than an old one.