Now a days every thing can be done on the internet easily but this internet has various drawbacks with that as the most of our personal information we share on internet these days so if anyone attacks on your server then he/she can easily access all the private information including financial details and this attack is known as cyber attack. there are various ways to attack on the internet some of them are-
1.Malware- it is shortly known as the malicious software, malware can be described as worms, viruses, trojans these all are variety of malware which provide root access to the attacker by which they can control the system remotely.
2.phising- This is a technique by which the criminals craft emails to fool a target into taking some harmful action. The recipient might be tricked in downloading malware that disguised as an important document for instance or argued toclick on that link that takes them to a fake website where they can get the password which are necessary for any transaction.
3.Ransomware- This is like a malware which is stored in the computer and easily encrypt all the necessary files of the victim's computer and after that they demand some ransom to decrypt it.
4.SQL injection- This is the process by which the SQL command gets injected by the attacker into the victim's system so that the attacker can easily gather all the necessary information which they want to take control on the system.
These attacks are very dangerous for the system because the attacker can get all the necessary information about the user and can easily harm him/her by getting their personal information.
There are various steps to prevent these attacks which are-
I.secure your hardware- The user has to prevent their hardware from lost or steal. protect all devices with a complicated password, share that password with the device user only.
II.Encrypt and backup data- You have to prevent your data by making the backup of the necessary files so that if any of your information gets lost then you can retrieve it from your backup.
III. create a security focused workplace- Employees are the most common ways of breaching of the data as many don't recognise the external threats the internal one breaches the security and it cause the loss of the information.
some latest viruses are-
1.cyborg ransomware-This virus is present in the floppy disk which is used by the user and can cause the count of time the system reboot. it's new variant is present in windows 10.
2.Gobrut-This is also one of the latest viruses it is capable enough to detect weak passwords and can cause loss of information.
3.jokeroo-This virus works as the ransomware their author spread it in the computer system which will encrypt the files and for decrypting it they demand ransom for that.
4.Trojan Glupteba- Once this virus enters the system the user cannot know that the system is infected and it will slowly communicates with the IP of the system which results in loss of the confidential information.
Most vulnerable platforms are-
1.Social engineering- The social networking sites has most of your personal information of the user which can be used by the attacker to get the necessary information.
2.cloud computing services- More companies use to store their most of the information on the cloud which is used by the attacker to get the confidential passwords which can cause loss of the essential information.