Huang He considered being a very dangerous river due to the adverse effects it causes during flood.
he Yellow River is known as the Huang He in China. It is the mother stream for all the Chinese individuals. Huang He River is the second longest in China after the Yangtze River. A progression of floods crushed China in 1887, 1931, and 1938. They were brought about by the flooding of Huang He River. These three floods murdered a huge number of individuals. They are viewed as the three deadliest floods in history and among the most damaging cataclysmic events at any point recorded. The most damaging of these floods happened in August 1931, leaving 80 million individuals destitute and those murdered by the flood extend from 850,000 to 4 million, naming it the deadliest cataclysmic event in written history.
Because they want them to know politics for when they get older and they want to know your political view
I believe the answer is true.
In other words education and its institutions such as the school, university, classrooms and curriculums are all social facts. They exist in society and are a reflection of society. Because they are social facts they cannot be the cause for society; rather it is the reverse that is true.