It's a word that looks like the sound it makes.
Justice is the most important and most discussed objective of the State, and Society. It is the basis of orderly human living. Justice demands the regulation of selfish actions of people for securing a fair distribution, equal treatment of equals, and proportionate and just rewards for all.
what's the question to this senetence?
It is very important to keep streets clean as we should keep our surroundings clean.
- We should be careful not to make our surroundings dirty as that will harm us. it pollutes the air and water nearby. The garbage may also flow into drain holes and cause blockage of drains. Animals may die if they eat the things. they release bad smells which is very troubling for the people passing by. also, mosquitoes and other pests can breed and cause diseases like malaria. instead we should plant trees, throw waste in dustbins and live a sustainable life. young people can reuse plastic bags again and again. natural waste can be made to compost and put to the plants. try becoming creative with your trash instead of just throwing it out. plant some herbs in your bottles and use it for cooking, make art pieces using some items etc. "If you can't clean your surrounding, then don't make it dirty"
Various themes were in this excerpt "To and Athlete Dying Young" by A.E Housman. It introduces the idea of home, effect of time, how pride and competition go together, how death brings us into a new destination. On a nutshell, it's not talking about a typical teenage life or an athletes in general, but different experiences about life from college years. In the end, it exemplifies the beauty of dying young, wherein challenges can be avoided.