The earnest money must be returned to the buyer.
The loan objection deadline sets a specific by which the buyer must present a written notification to the seller stating that he/she will not be able to purchase the property due to problems related to obtaining a mortgage loan (or really any other reason, since only the buyer knows about his/her loan status). After this date, if the buyer cannot secure the mortgage loan and finish the purchase, the earnest money will be lost and must be given to the seller.
Breads such as bagels and pretzels are made by boiling them first because boiling sets the crust before it is placed in the oven. The starch on the exterior quickly gels and forms a barrier. This keeps the water from penetrating very far into the bread. Bagels are usually boiled for 30 to 60 seconds per side.
The retained earnings of Amos company for the year ended 31st December 2017 is $1,016,400.00
In calculating retained earnings for 2017, I began with prior year retained earnings of $866,000,deducted depreciation net of taxes not recorded previously.
After,having adjusted retained earnings for prior year, I added net income for the year 2017 of $216,000
Finally,I deducted dividends paid during 2017 of $25000 to arrive at closing retained earnings for 2017 as shown in the attached.
Working with real estate agent brochure and agreement form.