Are there any multiple choices for this question? Since there isn't, I'll propose a few.
"Karen felt a great connection with nature when she went hiking."
"Karen felt a great attachment with nature when she went hiking."
"Karen felt a great understanding (of) nature when she went hiking."
And if this is a multiple choice question, please list the choices.
The resolution to this story is Pony boy decides to write about the Greasers for a school paper. Pony boy looses his innocence and starts to understand that terrible things happen and he cannot control it. In chapter 12 Ponyboy says, ""When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home." (S.E. Hinton) This quote shows that things had become simpler for Ponyboy at the end of this novel.