Submit command, as it hands in the data to the server
Mouse, Keyboard, Headphones, Charger.
These can be plugged into the computer for gaming and other uses.
0-20 dollars
that's the usual cost for apps
and for phone it's cost
RS 32,000 Nepali rupes
you can convert it by dividing it by 110
and you will get price in dollars
Answer: Network access control (NAC)
The solution that should be used is the network access control. Network access control helps in keeping devices and users that are unauthorized out of ones private network.
In this case, since one will like to prevent the laptops from connecting to the network unless anti-virus software and the latest operating system patches are installed, then the network access control can be used. One can only give access to the device that it wants to give access to and prevent others from connecting.
<u>COPA full form or meaning is Computer Operator and Programming Assistant.</u>