When Charles John Davids proposed to Madison Al Newert 3/4/1884 somewhere in Africa.
And when Jesus Christ said good morrow to James Heartyfult 19/6/2004.
Just off the top of my head.
Great Fear, French Grande Peur, (1789) en la Revolución Francesa, un período de pánico y disturbios por parte de los campesinos y otros en medio de rumores de una “conspiración aristocrática” del rey y los privilegiados para derrocar el Tercer Estado.
Aurangzeb, who won the war of succession, ascended the throne in 1658. He killed all his three brothers one by one and imprisoned his father Shahjahan at Agra. By doing so he proved himself as a man of merciless character. ... He ascended the throne in 1658 at the age of just 40 years.
Hope this helps...
Have a nice day!!!!
During the late 1800s in Poland and Russia, anti-Semitism took the form of violent attacks called Pogrom.
These attacks forced many Jews to flee to western Europe. Nonetheless, some Jews continued to survive in eastern Europe in small villages called Shtetlekh.
Pogrom is a Russian word which means to wreak havoc or to demolish violently. Historically, the term refers to violent attacks by local non-Jewish populations on Jews in the Russian Empire and in other countries.
Shtetlekh were small towns with large Jewish populations, which existed in Central and Eastern Europe before the Holocaust.