it end Dec 10, 1961 started May 04, 1961
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They needed to rebuild destroyed infrastructure. They needed to repay money they had borrowed.
The total expenditure for all the European powers were too huge and magnanimous. Destruction to the lives and property were incalculable. Many deaths and damage to the property were not officially recorded as it was claimed to be missing. Disruption of the world trade was the major impact faced by Europe after the world war I.
Prices skyrocketed, unemployment lingered in the European societies and a temporary economic depression was also recorded which made people difficult to carry on their sustenance. Another problem was the immigrants who tried to resettle in Europe after the war. Post war period recorded a low standard of living for the Europeans, Restrictions were imposed on the consumption of domestic products due to the shortage of supply.
The provided options are wrongly matched.
The Corrected matched items are as follow:
1. Environment is where you live
2. Decomposer is an organism that help things to rot.
3. Beaver is a river community that helps to build dams and rivers
4. Ecology is a branch of biology and is a study of home
5. Web of life: All life is connected
6. Photosynthesis: Plant process of making food
7. Squid: Ocean community they have a discrete head and two-sided regularity
The Space Race Begins. It is 1957 and the U.S. and the Soviet Union are locked into the Cold War. The Soviet Union has just launched the world's first satellite, Sputnik. Fearful of Soviet military control of space, the Americans quickly ready a rocket.
The Muckrakers were a group of journalists and writers that provided an important spark and ignited the Progressive movement. They were interested in exposing the problems in American society and urged the public to identify solutions.
They helped initiate the Progressive Era by analyzing if those bad conditions were linked to corrupt politics, poor working conditions in factories, bad living conditions of the working class and others.
They sparkled this analysis into people who read the newspapers and that wanted to change for their lives and because of that, an agenda was created.